Transportation between UNH and Durham Evangelical Church is provided each Sunday for the second service at 10:30. A detailed schedule can be found below for the 10:30 am service.

The vehicle is a white 15 passenger van with a “Durham Evangelical Church” sign on the side.


Pickup time and location

    In front of Stoke Hall - 10:05 am

     Main Street@Holloway Commons Bus stop - 10:08 am

    Lower Quad (Hunter/Devine) – 10:10 am

Corner of Mill/Academic Way – 10:12 am

    Hubbard Hall service entrance - 10:14 am

CIRC Bus Stop – 10:16 am

    Main Street@Thompson Hall Bus Stop - 10:18 am

Hetzel – 10:30 am


FMI: contact@durhame.org

SUNDAY Young Adult Brunch!

JOIN US for brunch once a month after the 9:00am service! The bunch will start at approximately 10:30am. Just come downstairs to the Function Hall with your appetite!

To get more information or connect with someone here at DEC, please email eddie.warren@durhame.org.

DId you know?

There are campus ministries at UNH that you can be a part of! Here are some links for you to explore:

To find out about CRU, click the link above, visit their website: www.cruunh.org or follow on instagram: @cru.unh

To find out about InterVarsity, click the link above. Follow on instagram: @intervarsity_at_unh