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L O C A L   O U T R E A C H


Many adults believe that kids haven’t changed much over the years, but nothing could be further from the truth! Teenagers are journeying through high school with more freedom, fewer boundaries, and more challenges.

Life Bridge, Inc., was started in 2004 as a teen mentoring organization. Together with full-time staff and numerous volunteers, our goal is to facilitate one-to-one mentoring relationships between students and healthy adults resulting in positive life changes.

Our vision is to give students hope, keep them off drugs/alcohol, help curb risky behaviors, and to encourage healthy choices. Trained adults invest 90 minutes each week for a year into students’ lives through a one-to-one mentoring relationship. Mentoring enables a student to develop responsible decision making skills, deeper relationships within their family, improved grades/attendance in school, and potentially a rewarding journey into the future as a responsible young adult in their community.


Lydia's House of Hope

Lydia's House of Hope is Christian based, one year, transitional program for women and their children which has been designed to equip and develop foundational life. The house is located in Somersworth, NH.

There are numerous opportunities for people to volunteer time, money and talent in a variety of ways. You can learn more about Lydia’s house, their mission and vision at


Women seeking to fully embrace the “preschoolers” (newborn through kindergarten) season of our life.

Operation Blessing

Just inside the downstairs information booth is a basket where you can donate food for Operation Blessing , a local service organization located in Portsmouth that provides food, shelter, clothing, and household goods for the folks in our area who are in need of help.

Operation Blessing was founded through a random act of kindness that bloomed into an operation of love throughout the Seacoast. Founded over 30 years ago, the center reaches out to thousands of people each year. Read more about Rachel Sparkowich, who along with her husband started this outreach by visiting the Operation Blessing website.


Options is a non-profit pregnancy help center and clinic in Dover, NH and serving all of southern New Hampshire.  Options provides a supportive, calm environment for women facing unplanned, unwanted pregnancies. It is an independent group, supported solely by private donations, churches, and small businesses in the communities we serve. Because it is not funded by political or government organizations, it has no hidden agenda.


DEC isn’t an island; we’re just one small part of God’s plan for His church all over the world. The global outreach team is tasked with reminding us that we aren’t alone in the Kingdom and facilitating our relationships with churches and partners worldwide.

We strive to send and care for dec global partners, educate those remaining at home regarding their responsibilities, and challenge the church to be concerned about the work of God around the world.

Global Partners


For more information about getting involved in the Outreach Team or opportunities in your area: