Tim Hafner


Tim and Laura Hafner live in Durham, and have been attending DEC since about 2001.

“I’m a native New Englander and a graduate of UNH while Laura is a west coast girl and a University of Washington alumna.  We have two grown kids, Chelsea and Nathan, both of whom love God and are doing their best to answer to His call on their lives.

“Amazingly enough we just celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary, which perplexes me just a bit because I thought only old people celebrated those kinds of things.  Go figure. . .

“I have spent the last 30 years flying fighter jets and commercial airliners, teaching junior high and high school, working at UNH with Athletes InterVarsity and crashing a lot of motorcycles.  Laura spends her time as a human resource director, an athletic trainer, and a frequent visitor to the emergency room.  We’ve led a Community Group for the last 7 years or so, and I’m a member of the preaching and teaching team at the church.  All in all it’s a fine life.

We love dec and have called it home for over a decade now.  We came to this church as brand new believers, and dec’s commitment to God’s word has helped us to grow in ways we could not have imagined when we first walked in the door.  God has big, eternal things in store for this body, and we’re very excited to be a part of it.”