603.868. 1027 x 1005


Joe Cheslock


Joe Cheslock is a Seacoast born-and-raised local. After graduating from the business school at the University of New Hampshire, he entered the business world and spent the next decade working in the technology and finance industries. Joe's ministry involvement and passion for the spread of the gospel grew as his career progressed. And in 2016, he joined a global missions leadership team and continued work in missions advocacy and mobilization.

In 2018, after several years of serving in ministries at DEC like small group leadership, global outreach and the worship team, Joe was called to the board of elders. And in 2020, he enthusiastically responded to the call to join the team at DEC in a pastoral role.
Joe and his wife Kaleigh were high school sweethearts. The Cheslocks live in Dover with their 3 girls. Outside of church ministry, Joe enjoys spending his time with his wonderful family and being active.

"If you can't find me at the office, I'm either tearing it up at a family dance party with my girls or at the gym reclaiming my manhood."
Joe carries his passion and excitement for mission with him into his pastoral role at DEC, participating on the preaching team, serving small groups, outreach and other discipleship / leadership development ministries.