Doug Pollard


Doug received Christ at an early age in response to hearing the gospel from his parents and in his local church. He was encouraged to grow in his faith through personal study of the Bible and sound teaching.  As his church was newly planted, he had a variety of opportunities to exercise his faith by serving where needed, and as he grew older, working in a region-wide youth ministry called Crossroads and at Camp Berea in the lakes region of New Hampshire as a counselor and volunteer.

Before pursuing a four-year degree, Doug attended a one-year program at Emmaus Bible College near Chicago where he studied the Scriptures, including the Greek New Testament.  Following Emmaus, he attended Middlebury College in Vermont where he was active in the leadership of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship group.

After college, he moved to California to work in technical marketing for Hewlett-Packard.  He taught the high school group at the church he attended and met his future wife, Patty.  After two years in California, the Lord led him back to New England to pursue a degree in medicine at Boston University.  After his medical training he began practicing in Lexington, Massachusetts and his church recognized him as an elder, as he had been involved for some years in teaching, discipleship and counseling.  It was during this time that he also began to serve on the board of directors of Camp Berea.   

After fifteen years of serving in the Lexington area, the Lord led Doug and his family to a new field of ministry on Cape Cod.  He had a private practice in Hyannis and served at Osterville Baptist Church as a deacon and then as an elder, continuing to teach and mentor.  After seventeen years of witnessing the Lord’s power and grace on Cape Cod, he again moved, this time to the Seacoast area, to work at York Hospital and worship at Durham Evangelical Church.  Doug and his wife have had the joy of service here in community group ministry, inductive Bible study, mentoring and hospitality.