DEC is strongly committed to helping couples build solid marriages by understanding God’s purpose for marriage. The marriage mentoring ministry helps couples at any stage to identify their strengths and growth areas. It also provides tools to build relational skills that will bring out the best in each other.  All couples who desire to get married at DEC are required to take this program.

Marriage Mentoring offers four levels of mentoring for couple relationships:

  • SERIOUSLY DATING couples ask, “Is this truly the love of my life?”

  • PREPARE mentoring provides an opportunity for engaged couples to strengthen their interpersonal skills and understand Biblical standards for a healthy marriage.

  • ENRICH mentoring supports married couples in nurturing the joy that can be found as husband and wife as patterned by the roles of Christ and the church. Mentors strive to help couples strengthen those areas that are challenging to their relationship.

  • STEP FAMILIES face unique issues. Mentors can offer support when the added challenges of a step family are present in a relationship – a complicated matter when children are involved. Mentoring seeks to equip couples and families to answer: “How will our marriage thrive within the complex dynamics of a step family?”


Contact Joe Cheslock at