Chris Miller


Chris and Leslie Miller (married June, 1989) have lived in Nottingham, NH since November, 2009.  Prior to residing in Nottingham, Chris and Leslie lived in Weare, NH, where 5 children were born to them. They also had a foster daughter, who was a part of their family until she passed away at the age of 34.

The Millers have been attending DEC since 2010 during which time they have served together teaching Sunday School and participating in VBS, in college ministry and on the prayer team.  Chris also spent a few years as part of the leadership team for Men’s Ministry.  

Chris has been involved in Prison Ministry at the State Prison. Chris was also involved in student ministries at UNH as well as a door to door ministry sharing the gospel.

“Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teachings, you are truly my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (Jn 8:32)  I am God’s servant, wherever, whenever and in whatever capacity He calls me. I strive to serve Him by helping people find the truth Jesus taught, lived and died for, and the power by which He rose victoriously from the grave.