
Would you like to experience true peace and serenity, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life’s hurts, hang-ups, and habits?

Then join us as we work through the four Participant Guides and experience a life-changing relationship with Jesus:

Guide 1: Stepping Out of Denial

Guide 2: Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory

Guide 3: Getting Right with God

Guide 4: Growing in Christ

**We have not yet determined dates for the next session (2023 and forward). Please email Mike or Judy if you are interested in a future study.

Mike Snay: or call 603-422-3639

Judy Snay: or call 920-915-8481

Materials Required for CR Step Study:

-> CR Step Study Participant Guides 1-4 (4 pack) - mandatory

-> CR Study Bible - recommended

“I am the way, the truth and the life...” - John 14:6

Jesus wants to help

We have all been affected by sin and need healing and transformation

God can help 

Life isn’t easy and you’re not meant to handle it by yourself.

The Holy Spirit is waiting to help